It’s all change since our last race update as teams rally together to finish their last packs and fight for the top positions in their heat! Check out the race updates below: The following teams are currently in the lead in GOLD MEDAL position! Congratulations teams- could you win the race soon by using all…
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About: Beatrice Cornu Hewitt
Recent Posts by Beatrice Cornu Hewitt
The CRASH-3 races have begun!
And we are off to an astounding sprint start…….. TWO TEAMS have already used all treatment packs and won GOLD POSITION for their heats! CONGRATULATIONS to: Universitario de Ciudad Real (SPAIN) Northern General Hospital (UK) You are CRASH-3 trial finishers! We will send you a small token of our appreciation soon! The following teams…
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The marathon is over…THE SPRINT TO THE FINISH IS ON!
CRASH-3 collaborators have randomised 11,800 patients – the biggest head injury study EVER. Today 43 teams in 17 countries are on their final CRASH-3 drug box! The 6 year marathon is over. The countdown to the finish is on. The final sprinters have been chosen for the race to the finish for the final 5.5…
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A record breaking 25 minutes from injury from Iraq!

News of the first patient at Rojhelat Emergency Hospital, Iraq - a record breaking 25 minutes from injury... The victim was a pedestrian, hit just 2-3km from the hospital, brought in immediately by the same car that had hit the patient. The driver confirmed the time of the accident was exactly 8:30am, and the time…
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