Mortality due to road traffic injury (RTIs) in Africa is among the highest in the world, at about 28.3 deaths per 100,000 population. The economic costs associated with RTIs in Africa were estimated to be US$3.7 billion in 2000, translating to approximately 1–2% of each country’s gross national product. Road traffic accidents are on the increase in Nigeria, especially with the rise in the use of motorbikes as a means of commercial transportation. The age group most vulnerable is the young adults (16–45 years). From available records, from 2002 to 2007, the average cases of reported RTA were 15,000–23,000 per year. The persons involved during this period ranged from 27,000 to 33,000 per year. Another report suggests that an average of 25 people die from road traffic accidents daily in Nigeria3.

Head injury is a serious public health problem and a big concern for neurosurgeons, patients and their families in Nigeria. The results of the question being asked in this study are relevant and not only to patients and their treating doctors in Nigeria but will inform practice globally.

Left to right standing: Femi Owagbemi, Sade Adetayo, Bukola Fawole; Left to right sitting: Temitayo Shokunbi, Haleema, Ade Malomo